Book rails against 'whole rotten cabal of the left'

The anti-abortion and anti-EU campaigner, Mr Justin Barrett, has launched a strident attack on refugees, politicians, liberalism…

The anti-abortion and anti-EU campaigner, Mr Justin Barrett, has launched a strident attack on refugees, politicians, liberalism and the Belfast Agreement, writes Arthur Beesley.

In a book he refused to circulate last year when campaigning against the Nice Treaty, he also claimed that parliamentary government was "foreign" to Irish people and unsuited to their needs. During the treaty campaign it was disclosed that Mr Barrett had attended far-right rallies in Germany, linked to the neo-Nazi movement.

Mr Barrett called for "presidential democracy" in Ireland, in which a directly elected leader would have the power to nominate "his" own cabinet. "The very fear of taking on such far-reaching responsibilities would scare off the ignorant and feckless," he claimed.

"The party system ensures the rise of the basest of characters, and the system acts as a vehicle for deciding not the great issues of the day, but which parliamentary grouping will plunge its snout deepest into the public trough." Mr Barrett posted copies of the privately published book to journalists. He is circulating it as part of his preparations for a new "political movement".


He wrote the book as a discussion document for like-minded "conservative people". He said yesterday the book reflected his views, but he did not know if the new "movement" would adopt it as a policy.

Arguing against immigration in the book, Mr Barrett claimed "honesty rather than so-called 'racism' demands that it be stated clearly that non-Europeans create the most intractable problem of all". The Refugee Act would have been better named the "Come Hither Act".

"The refugee advocates are, almost to a man and woman, the abortion advocates, the contraception advocates, the Europhiles, the anti-Catholic bigots. In other words, the whole rotten cabal of the left."

He claimed that paedophilia was "consistent" with homosexuality. "In engaging in child abuse, a Catholic priest is acting so contrary to Catholic teaching as to make such a mild description as hypocrite entirely redundant.

"However, as a homosexual, his actions are consistent, and might lead the general public to draw certain conclusions concerning that so-called 'sexual orientation'."

Mr Barrett claimed that repartition was the "only solution" for the impasse in Northern Ireland. Of the structures put in place in the Belfast Agreement he said: "They cannot work, but they can raise expectations, the cruel disappointment of which will likely usher in a new era of cynicism. The consequences Ireland may well lament in blood."

On sex outside marriage, he wrote: "Observable fact shows that, whatever may come of each individual act, the broad generality is one of unnecessary misery produced by the satiating of momentary passions."

Mr Barrett printed The National Way Forward in 1998 and said he will sell it directly from his home in Co Longford for €12 a copy. The book's cover is green. There are 191 pages. The blurb criticises "unintelligent and anti-Catholic journalism".

Mr Barrett said he did not write the preface, which was signed "John Grace". This was a pseudonym, he said. While declining to say who wrote the preface, he said Michael Collins used the same pseudonym.

The preface said the "new Ireland" would be built around the Irish language, large families and profound love of nation "that does not shirk even at the idea of dying for it". It said such a movement required an "unceasing fidelity to the Catholic Church and its authentic teachings, not the half-baked Social Gospel propounded these last 30 years or so in its place."