Nurses and registration

Sir, – I work as a nurse in a busy private hospital in Dublin where we are constantly dealing with a shortage of nurses. Our nursing workforce is under extra pressure every day due to a lack of qualified staff.

Recently, I have read articles in various newspapers about enticing nurses from overseas to work in Ireland. I know from my colleagues both here and abroad that many nurses see Ireland as an attractive place to work and live.

Unfortunately there appears to be an excessive delay in the processing of applications for professional registration with An Bord Altranais – the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland. This process, believe it or not, can take anywhere from six to 18 months.

My own daughter obtained her nursing degree in Australia two years ago and has returned to Ireland in July. She applied to An Bord Altranais prior to leaving Australia and so far has not had any success in obtaining registration. She is presently working as a care attendant for a small wage and, as she says herself, is “deskilling by the minute”.


There are a number of nurses in similar situations. We are crying out for skilled and qualified nurses and we have keen, returned emigrants whose only wish is to get registered and get working. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 1.