Mobile moguls to talk digital at DIT media showcase

Games, apps and other media innovations developed at the college to be showcased

Dublin Institute of Technology is hosting a digital media event this Wednesday to showcase games, mobile apps, tablet apps and other media innovations being developed at the college.

The “mobile moguls” event, which is being run by DIT Hothouse, EY and Innovation Dublin also hopes to inspire the next generation of digital entrepreneurs, with talks and panel discussions from Irish entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Eamonn Fallon of Distilled Media Group, Owen Harris of bitSmith Games and Hugh McAtamney of the DIT Digital Media Centre will be among the speakers at the event.

Among the more than 50 games and apps being showcased at the event are Fun Laoghaire – a GPS game based on Dún Laoghaire Pier; The Nightgale – an interactive fairy tale story based on a Hans Christian Anderson tale for children, and Emigration Isle – a web documentary that illustrates periods of Irish emigration over the past 200 years through the lives of real emigrants.


"In order to raise the visibility of entrepreneurship as a valid career choice for Irish graduates, students need to see more examples of it being pursued successfully," Frank O'Keeffe, partner-in-charge of EY Entrepreneur of the Year programme said.

Media conversation
On the subject of media, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland is hosting a "conversation" on the issue of programme standards in the broadcast media tomorrow. The purpose of the event is to give people an opportunity to share their views on the issue of standards in broadcast content, including the portrayal of people and groups in society.