ME & MY MONEY: Alan Boyce, MD of Toni & Guy Ireland

‘My natural instinct is to be a spender and I’m particularly partial to a nice meal out’

Are you a saver or a spender? My natural instinct is to be a spender and I'm particularly partial to indulging on a nice meal out. Although I need to stop this because I'm putting on weight!

Do you shop around for better value? I never used to when I was younger, as I was quite label orientated back then. Now, however, I will happily shop around for clothes and accessories without the big brand name.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? Two children. They are 11 and 13 years old and very fashion conscious, so their ongoing requirements are everything from designer clothes to iPads. This was how I first learned to start shopping around.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? Getting my hair back! I recently underwent surgery with Therapie Hair Restoration and it has had a very positive effect on my confidence, particularly in the workplace. As a hair stylist, how my hair looks is important to my clients, so I consider this to be a worthy investment in my career.


How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Throughout the years, I've always maintained high standards of customer service within Toni & Guy salons, because I know from my own experience how important friendly and rustworthy service is. It's harder to find that service online.

Do you haggle over prices? I've learnt to, but only when appropriate. Certainly in my professional life, I have always haggled with suppliers, particularly on large equipment orders for my salons. However I wouldn't attempt to haggle in Brown Thomas.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? I was stupid during the recession, but I feel less foolish when I hear some of the other horror stories out there. I suppose in many ways the mistakes I made have proved to be a great learning curve.

Do you invest in shares? I have invested in shares in the past, but it's not something that I bother with now. Property was once considered to be a fail-safe investment, but we all know what happened there.

Cash or card? I prefer cash. Cash is what you've really got. It's your money. The card belongs to the bank! Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? I saved a substantial amount of money for my wedding, back in 1996. We're no longer married, but we are still best friends, so I look back on that day with fond memories. It was a happy investment.

Have you ever lost money? Yes, lots of money over the years, mostly through foolishness. I suppose that comes with the territory of running your own business, though. You just have to learn from each experience and try not to make the same mistakes again.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win? I'm not a gambler, although I did give it a try once, in Las Vegas. I watched a man spend hours trying to win money from a slot machine. When he was finished, I decided to have a go and won $10,000.

Is money important to you? I believe money brings freedom, but too much of it also changes people. Money used to be much more important to me, but when I became a father I discovered there were happier, more important things in life. I want to be able to provide for my children, but I'm also conscious not to spoil them too much.

How much money do you have on you now? €150 and some loose change.

In conversation with Tony Clayton Lea Alan Boyce is managing director of Toni & Guy Ireland and Northern Ireland and brand ambassador for Therapie Hair Restoration’s #HairLossHeadOn campaign. For details, see