Kenny backs cystic fibrosis facilities

TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny has said he supports the particular facilities and medical attention that cystic fibrosis patients require…

TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny has said he supports the particular facilities and medical attention that cystic fibrosis patients require.

He told Independent Finian McGrath that he would ask the Minister for Health about the situation for cystic fibrosis patients and get him to outline his plans in this area.

During Leaders’ Questions Mr McGrath called on the Taoiseach to include improvements in facilities for cystic fibrosis sufferers in his first 100 days in Government.

The Independent TD said “it is totally unfair, unjust and contrary to good medical practice for cystic fibrosis patients in our hospitals to be exposed to cross infection in accident and emergency departments and in wards”. He reminded Mr Kenny that during the election campaign he “gave a personal commitment to cystic fibrosis patients. Will he act on this over the next 100 days? Where does he stand on the core issue of a designated cystic fibrosis unit at St Vincent’s hospital, with en suite rooms for all patients? Does he support the provision of a 34-bed unit with such separate rooms?” He said the HSE and others “appear to have an issue with conceding the 34-bed unit in St Vincent’s hospital”. He added that some “340 patients use the cystic fibrosis services, and 10 per cent of them often turn up in hospitals requiring the isolated rooms”.


Mr Kenny said: “I have met brothers and sisters of people who have died from cystic fibrosis due to infection of one type or another or due to the required medical treatment and facilities not being made available to them.

“I support the proper provision of services for cystic fibrosis sufferers.”

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times