Binyamin Netanyahu offers Israeli cabinet post to Lieberman

Deal with centre-left Isaac Herzog imminent before offer of defence ministry to Lieberman

Binyamin Netanyahu met yesterday with far-right politician Avigdor Lieberman in an effort to recruit him into Israel’s government, and sources saying he had agreed to appoint Lieberman defence minister.

Netanyahu, who won a fourth term last year, governs by a majority of one in the 120-member Knesset, making his administration vulnerable to any falling-out among his political allies, so he is keen to add to their ranks.

It had appeared that Yitzhak Herzog’s centre-left Zionist Union party, which has 24 MPs, was set to agree on an alliance with Netanyahu’s Likud.

But in a surprise move, Lieberman, who heads the ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu party and previously served as foreign minister which has six Knesset seats, convened a news conference to say he was ready to negotiate a pact with Netanyahu.


Lieberman said he demanded the defence portfolio as well as new legislation that would impose capital punishment on Palestinians carrying out fatal attacks.While saying Netanyahu acquiesced to Lieberman’s demand to be appointed defence minister, the political sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, noted that other issues remained unresolved and a deal has yet to be finalized.

If appointed, Lieberman would replace Moshe Yaalon, a Likud member and former military chief.

Yaalon has drawn sharp criticism from far-right partners in Netanyahu’s coalition for backing the army’s decision to level manslaughter charges against a soldier who shot dead a wounded Palestinian attacker in the Israeli-occupied West Bank in March.

Herzog froze his own negotiations with the prime minister when the meeting with Lieberman was announced.

Lieberman, who twice served as foreign minister in previous Netanyahu-led governments and has had testy relationship with the prime minister, has drawn headlines by repeatedly questioning the loyalty of Israel’s Arab minority.

In the past, he has proposed transferring some Arab towns to a future Palestinian state in return for Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Enlisting the Zionist Union, which has 24 legislators, would have given Netanyahu a comfortable political cushion and put a more moderate face on his right-wing government at a time when Israeli is grappling with mounting international calls to renew peace talks with the Palestinians that collapsed in 2014. – Reuters