Go Niche

I KNOW. It's mean to talk about fat farms when you're getting ready for the great Christmas blowout. But trust me

I KNOW. It's mean to talk about fat farms when you're getting ready for the great Christmas blowout. But trust me. You're much better off putting an action plan in place now. Wait until all the fun is over and you'll be too depressed, and too weighed down by brandy butter, to get off the sofa.

More than a fat farm, Camp Biche is a boot camp, with the emphasis on boot. Each day promises up to five hours of hiking through the countryside of Cahors, in southwest France. When you've done that it's on to the gym for an abdominal workout, circuit training, free weights, yoga and Pilates.

Not only is there no telephone, radio or television, but much of your hiking is done in silence, meditation on the hoof.

So far so gruelling. There is a plus side, however, because Camp Biche is based on the "French paradox" that you can and should eat whatever your tum desires - as long as you exercise daily, eat a variety of foods, do not eat between meals and stay away from processed products.


All of which means you get not only wine at dinner here but also cognac. Equally, you can expect creme brulee (left), tiramisu and chocolate mousse for dessert (though not all together - it's a paradox, not a miracle). Not even foie gras or cheese is interdit.

So: fitness boot camp, gourmet food. Now do you believe in Santa? Good, because you might need a little help with the €3,500 a week it costs to stay there, excluding flights.


Sandra O'Connell

Sandra O'Connell

Sandra O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times