Go Kids

Child-friendly London

Child-friendly London

August is a tricky time for theatres everywhere, with core audiences typically holidaying out of town, which is why the child-friendly initiative in London is so interesting.

From August 13th to September 3rd, children between the ages of five and 16 can go free to shows in the West End once they are accompanied by an adult paying full price.

There are more than 30 shows involved in the scheme and the hugely popular line-up, which will be familiar to many clued-in kids, includes Mama Mia, Oliver!and Legally Blonde.


As part of the Kids’ Week initiative, several restaurants in the West End are offering “Kids Go Free” menus, another smart idea that’s not just money saving but takes the hassle out of deciding where to eat.

See kidsweek.co.uk for more information including maps and tips on making your way around London with children.

And it’s not just West End shows that are involved in the initiative. From August 13th-27th children go free to Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition and Theatre Tour. For details, see shakespeares-globe.org.

  • visitlondon.com