My divorce. Jean: ‘I will soon be in court for my second divorce’

It’s 20 years since Ireland voted for divorce. An Irish Times series, Divorced Ireland, explores the effects of that vote on Irish life. The following is one of several personal stories sent to us as part of the series.

I will soon be attending court for my second divorce. I was separated before divorce became legal, my children were grown up, and I had bought out my ex-husband’s share of the house .

Many years later I married again, sure that having known the man for 10 years I was making the right decision. That turned out not to be the case.

Having had to close my business due to the recession,I found myself back at the solicitor, going through all the emotional pain, fighting to keep the house I had paid for and trying to get maintenance from a highly paid man.

Eventually a separation agreement was worked out, with my legal costs €5000. It will probably cost the same again for the divorce. With no husband or job my confidence is at an all time low; I will never trust another man again and I have no wish to ever enter another relationship.


If you have friends who are separated or divorced the pain they are going through is often as intense as any bereavement so please be more sympathetic to their situation.

The writer’s name has been changed.