Sniper Ghost Warrior

GAME REVIEW: 16 cert, City Interactive, Xbox 360 (also PC) **

GAME REVIEW:16 cert, City Interactive, Xbox 360 (also PC) **

Theory 1: Sniper games are great because the sniper missions are frequently the game’s highlight. Theory 2: Sniper games are doomed to be repetitive because they’re confined to one specialised form of combat and there’s no room for (ahem) scope.

Sniper Ghost Warrior is the latest game to prove the latter. In fairness, the set-up is fine, with decent music, voice-work and a tropical setting. Also, the ambition to make an authentic sniper game is admirable; weather and distance must be taken into account before launching a shot, for example.

Otherwise, it’s an unsatisfying game, with fussy targeting and awkward controls, and good luck trying to get to grips with the grappling hook and climbing system. In a market crowded with first-person shooters, there really isn’t room for games like this.