Orcs Must Die

12 cert, Robot Entertainment/ Microsoft Studios, Xbox Live (also Windows PC) ****

12 cert, Robot Entertainment/ Microsoft Studios, Xbox Live (also Windows PC) ****

Poor old Orcs. Only last month we were slicing through them in Warhammer: Space Marine, and now the genocide continues in Orcs Must Die. Didn't Shrektell us to accept green monsters as our friends? This is a third- person combat game that requires you to defend territories from hordes of the unwanted invaders. In each level the combat takes place within a castle. There are a few moments before the doors burst open, which gives you time to set your traps: tar pits, exploding barrels and spring-loaded spikes are just some of the tools at your disposal. Place the traps and use your sword the right way, and your enemies will look like they're running into a meat grinder. This is a frantic, button- mashing affair, one-note butalso energetic, witty and surprisingly addictive; everything an arcade game should be.