Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HD

10 cert, Ubisoft, PlayStation Network (also Xbox Live)

10 cert, Ubisoft, PlayStation Network (also Xbox Live)

The copious menus and reams of text on this game are off- putting, and the dialogue is pretty over-wrought as well ("Savagely the attackers put the camp to the torch"). Yet Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HDis strangely endearing. It takes place in a medieval fantasy land as war spills over from a parallel universe. Teen warriors, the sole survivors of a horrific attack, must protect an ancient artefact (some sort of WMD) from invading enemies. The battle scenes are purely tactical. Line up the right warriors to attack or defend, and patiently wait and take turns. After your turn, you see your shots taken across the bow and the effectiveness is acknowledged. Those who are patient enough (and like their RPGs), will fall under this game's spell. Less patient gamers (and those with itchy trigger fingers) will be immune.