Wellness and other wellbeing initiatives

All well and good

Letter of the Day

Sir, – In the Overheard column, you focus on the fact that the National Shared Services Office spent almost €90,000 over three years (2021 to 2024) on wellness and mental health supports for staff (“The Civil Service financial management system is in danger of going over budget. Why are the staff so relaxed?”, News, March 17th).

I share neither your odd reflex of placing wellness and other staff wellbeing initiatives in quotation marks, nor your evident view that this represents some form of financial recklessness. It represents just under €40 per staff member per year for the NSSO’s more than 800 staff members. I hope for the sake of you and your colleagues that The Irish Times takes a less myopic view of its own staff members’ wellness. – Is mise,


Dublin 9.