Seanad Appointment

GREEN COUNCILLOR Mark Dearey from Dundalk, Co Louth, replaced former senator Déirdre de Búrca in the Seanad yesterday.

GREEN COUNCILLOR Mark Dearey from Dundalk, Co Louth, replaced former senator Déirdre de Búrca in the Seanad yesterday.

Ms de Búrca, a Taoiseach’s nominee, resigned less than two weeks ago. Mr Dearey, a member of Dundalk Town Council since 2004 and Louth County Council since June 2009, was described as “a businessman, vintner, and music promoter” in a Government statement confirming his appointment. He was nominated by Taoiseach Brian Cowen after being recommended by Green Party leader John Gormley. He secured more than 4,170 first-preference votes in the Louth constituency as an unsuccessful candidate in the 2007 general election.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times