Bacik plan to drop opening prayer challenged

SEANAD REPORT: A FIANNA Fáil member challenged Seanad deputy leader Ivana Bacik (Lab) to say if her proposal to drop the prayer…

SEANAD REPORT:A FIANNA Fáil member challenged Seanad deputy leader Ivana Bacik (Lab) to say if her proposal to drop the prayer traditionally recited at the start of proceedings was Labour Party policy.

Mark Daly was responding to a declaration by Ms Bacik that she would be proposing to the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges that there be an end to the practice of reciting a Christian prayer at the start of sittings. She believed it should be replaced by a short period of silent reflection.

It was a matter for the House to consider if the introductory prayer was appropriate in a modern republic and whether it was respectful to non-Christians.

In response to Mr Daly’s challenge, Ms Bacik said the issue had also been raised in the Dáil by a party colleague. Mr Daly said he thought Labour Senators should query whether they were being led on this matter.


Ms Bacik was making a political issue of it, he added.

“What happened in Cloyne and what the church has done is an abomination beyond all reckoning, but that’s no excuse to start political point-scoring in this House. That is a disgrace.”

Ronan Mullen (Ind) said it struck him as being sadly opportunistic that people seemed to connect legitimate criticism of the church with an attack on a tradition of Christian prayer.

Terry Leyden (FF) said the children’s rights referendum should be held as soon as possible, so the Irish people could send out a message about protecting children.