Gardaí find €60,000 worth of drugs hidden in car on Dublin-Cork road

Man (21) arrested under drugs-trafficking legislation

Gardaí in Co Cork have arrested a 21-year-old man after they stopped his car for speeding on the main Cork-Dublin motorway and found over €60,000 worth of drugs hidden in the vehicle.

Gardaí on traffic patrol stopped the car after the driver was clocked doing in excess of the 120km/h speed limit near Mitchelstown on the N8 at around 8.30pm on Saturday night.

Gardaí searched the car and found €40,000 worth of cannabis herb and €20,000 worth of cocaine, and arrested the driver under drug-trafficking legislation which allows gardaí to detain suspects for up to seven days.

The young man, who is from Dublin, is currently being held at Fermoy Garda Station where he is being questioned about the drugs which gardaí believe were destined for the Cork market in the run up to Christmas.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times