Father-of-one charged over €500,000 Dublin heroin seizure

Paul Byrne (27) remanded in custody for a week after gardaí found drug at Crumlin home

A father-of-one has been remanded in custody for a week after he was charged in connection with a €500,000 heroin seizure in Dublin.

Paul Byrne (27) of Saul Road, in Crumlin appeared before Judge Patricia McNamara at Dublin District Court following his arrest on Monday.

He is charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act with unlawful possession of heroin and having it for the purpose of selling or supplying to another at his home on February 6th.

Dressed in a navy tracksuit and black runners, he remained silent during his court hearing on Wednesday and has not yet indicated how he will plead.


Garda Rioghnach O’Sullivan told Judge McNamara that the charges were put to him at Sundrive Road station at just after 7pm on Tuesday. “He made no reply to the charges after caution,” she said.

She confirmed that she intended to object to bail and said she did not yet have directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Judge McNamara asked if there was a bail application; defence solicitor Michael French said, “probably subsequently but we are not applying for bail today”.

Mr Byrne was remanded in custody to appear at Cloverhill District Court on February 15th next when the case will be listed for a possible bail hearing and for directions from the DPP to be given.

Judge McNamara granted free legal aid after noting Mr Byrne is unemployed and has one child.