What’s making you happy? Sewing at age 90, South Wall walks and hurricanes

What makes you happy?

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy. You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy Here are a selection of the responses this week:

At 90 years of age what makes me happy is whizzing away on my new sewing machine and listening to the lovely smooth sound and seeing perfectly with my new glasses – Bunny

Walking into a hurricane and rain makes me feel like I've stepped onto the edge of the universe. Exhilarating! – Tom

I saw a dog that had major surgery two weeks ago. He would have died without it. He's bouncing around and happy out now – @cookiiedivine


A walk on Dublin's South Wall this morning, stunning – Anne

My new house has a hot press. I love my new house, it makes me very happy – Emma