What’s making you happy? Climate strikes, birdsong, and Alan Partridge

Here’s what is making Irish Times readers happy this week

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy. You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week:

The sadness of seeing so many school children demonstrating against the government’s lack of climate action turning to pride in our young people and hope for the future - Norman

Wonderful melodious birdsong from 5am till 7am this morn outside my bedroom window. Better than any orchestra. Tiny bird with an angelic voice. Spring has arrived - Jackie

Finally starting to feel like myself after a bout of pneumonia and a hospital stay last week. I do miss the jelly and ice cream though - Geraldine


Week four of five in Maspalomas. Blue skies every day and I am at a point where nothing matters. Heavenly - Frank

Just did (sang, head banged, air guitar) Bohemian Rhapsody with my hilarious boys. My neck is a bit sore but the smiles will last the evening too - @beannfatale

Ruddy cheeked Martin Brennan (played by Steve Coogan) singing Sweet Sixteen, Come Out Ye Black and Tans and more on This Time with Alan Partridge - the whole of Ireland