No germs in this new gallery

THE SOCIAL NETWORK: There was no age limit for Jorgensen Fine Art’s sculpture show at the gallery’s new premises in the Hibernian…

THE SOCIAL NETWORK:There was no age limit for Jorgensen Fine Art's sculpture show at the gallery's new premises in the Hibernian Way on Thursday evening. Invited guests filed passed a bronze bowl entitled Shiva Parvati, which was sculpted by Michael Keane and depicts scenes from the Kama Sutra.

The art historian Síle Connaughton-Deeny braved a dose of bronchitis to be on hand to interpret. “I had a temperature of 104 yesterday,” she told guests, as she declined their air kisses, but proffered a mini-lecture on the bowl instead.

The gallery’s owner Ib Jorgensen greeted his guests and was loquacious about the other pieces in the show, including works by sculptors Olivia Musgrave and Gerard Cox. Jorgensen moved into St Ann’s on Ailesbury Road earlier this week. He’s looking forward to holidaying in Cannes in July, Connemara in August and then back to Cannes in September. His sister Hanne Collins accompanied Eithne Healy around the exhibition.

Simon Bowman-Conboy arrived to support his friend, the sculptor Kevin Gaines. It was something of a trip down memory lane for Gaines. He used to work in the gallery, but now exhibits in it.


What we drankCabernet Sauvignon Dolomiti 2010; Pinot Grigio Dolomiti 2011