
WHAT’S HOT Bridal Bonanza Hathaway, Deely and Valance get hitched in one wedding-filled weekend

WHAT'S HOT Bridal BonanzaHathaway, Deely and Valance get hitched in one wedding-filled weekend

Double Oh! Chanteuse Adele set to sing the new Bond theme Skyfall

UntouchableCritically acclaimed French comedy about a carer and his rich patient. Heartwarming stuff

Dáil blusterJames Reilly's "one and one makes two . . . but four by four makes 16" speech in Lenister House this week left us baffled


Brendan the BakerHe's the pride of Ireland and this year's Great British Bake Off's hot favourite

BuntingThe decoration you can reuse and reuse. We especially like Emily Flynn's creations, on sale today at the Ha'penny Flea Market (Emily Flynn Designs on Facebook)

Margarita MagicDublin's 777 boasts the best Mexican cocktail this side of the border

In the pinkIt's breast cancer awareness month. Support is more than just a bra

StewFinally, we can stop with the pretence of summer


Wet leavesEvery jogger and power walker's enemy. Careful now

ShockspeareOne third of British children never heard of the great bard

Home AloneThe Irish Cabinet go to Europe leaving five Ministers to mind the country

Irish RailIssuing travel vouchers rather than cash for a refund

Breastfeeding, apparentlyA survey shows only half of Irish women are likely to breastfeed, compared with 81 per cent in the UK, according to the ESRI

Bizarre practice pyrotechnicsFireworks for Halloween are fine. Rehearsals are not required, guys