Century: Women and the vote

Read all about it:  Research on Irish feminism often concentrates on the pursuit of votes, but there were other issues and many debates within the movement which can be better understood by reading its ‘Irish Citizen’ newspaper.

Women often wielded authority at home 100 years ago, but as public figures in professions such as teaching and nursing they were becoming much more common.

More to play for:Many women are unwilling to call themselves feminists but would be appalled to give up the rights won by their predecessors.

Anti-women legislation: The Irish Free State said it would ensure equality for women, but it turned out to be a false promise.

“Women, in whatever country ye breathe – wherever ye breathe, degraded, awake! Awake to the contemplation of the happiness that…

The big picture: The Irish women’s movement was created by unionists and nationalists, Home Rulers and republicans, liberals and socialists, Protestants, Catholics and women of no religion. They deserve a place in the history books.

Suffrage and socialism : Suffrage and trade union aims didn’t always tally – some trade unionists supported higher wages for men, for example – but they found common cause fighting against injustice and for equality

Northern Ireland : Ethnicity and class were just some of the pressures facing Ulster’s suffrage movement.

Anti-suffrage movement: Educated women were among those arguing that female suffrage would damage society.

Their struggle is our struggle: Women’s empowerment will progress only through their involvement in political processes and in shaping constitutions that guarantee the equal rights of all citizens.

Prison hunger strikes: Some Irish suffragists moved to militancy a little after their English counterparts, but when they d, the stones flew.

From New Zealand to Saudi Arabia: The representation of People Act, 1918, that granted votes to certain Irish and English women…

Anna Haslam, with help from the writings of her husband, Thomas, was a pioneer in persuading women of all political hues to stand for election .


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